Tips To Keep In Mind When Getting A Urinal Sample

Cesarina Li Fonti/ July 31, 2017/ Medical Services

Are you required to get a urinal sample done? Although it is just a simple task of getting the sample there are many things that you should keep in mind. From deciding the hospital to the doctor to the sampling itself, there are many things that you should know to get an accurate sample result.Please ensure to read this article fully, before you get a urinal test done.


When choosing the hospital to get the test done, you will need to stress on the quality factor the most. As most of the hospitals are the similar priced for the testing! The cost should never be the sole deciding factor. In fact you should look at their laboratory certifications before getting any sampling done by them. You can also get recommendations from your doctor as they are more knowledgeable in the field and will be able to help you out. Try to choose a hospital that is in close proximity to you. It is good if the hospital is easily accessible to you.


The urologist Melbourne that you choose to do the treatments for you should be a very reputed doctor. As urinal related problems most often than not is a symptom of a more serious underlying problem. And if not treated properly can become very dangerous. The doctor should be able to read the sample’s laboratory result properly to assess the situation in a proper manner. For all things to go smoothly ensure that you choose a good doctor for your illness. Also, keep in mind that if you are not very satisfied with how the doctor is treating you, you should look for a change.

Getting the sample

When you have been requested to get a urinal sample done for testing, there are some important things that you should observe. First you will need to get a new tightened bottle sampler from the urology department or laboratory for the testing. Ensure to have ample clean tissue with you. Before getting the sample, make sure to wash the area completely. It is good if you can wash with soap. And get the urinal sample into bottle. You should bottle only the mid urinal flow. As soon as you get your sample cap it, to avoid any contamination that may occur. Use the tissues to wrap the container with the sample and hand it over at the earliest possible to the unit or laboratory.


When the results come in, don’t try to read the results by yourself using the range that has been given. You cannot understand the severity to its fullest. You should always get the test results read by a reputed physician in that field. He or she will be able to assess the possible treatment if any is necessary. Keep in mind to never rely on any one doctor if there is a severe issue with the results. Also if the doctor tells you that there is no issue but the problem still persists then too you will need to get advice from another doctor.

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